Popular Safari Tours

Local Safari Guides

Our accomplished team of local professional safari guides and travel consultants extends a world-class suite of services, from securing your airfare to reserving opulent 5-star accommodations or our exclusive guest lodges. We orchestrate effortless airport pick-ups, craft tailor-made safari programs, and curate awe-inspiring tours to iconic destinations within your chosen East African Destination.

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Our Safari Partners

Kenya Safaris Holiday partners with Africa’s top safari operators and governemnt regulators ensuring a safe, world-class luxury African safari experience.

Authentically unfiltered. Unimaginably refined.

Kenya Safaris Holiday Team has perfected the balance between hospitality and authenticity. Our African safaris offer a stress-free, luxurious travel experience, without sacrificing what makes Africa so transformative. We’ll guide you on this adventure so you can focus on telling the story you were always meant to tell.

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